Golden Door Awards 2024
Golden Door Award Winners
After a 2-year organizational restructuring, the GOLDEN DOOR AWARDS begin again in 2024. It was the first in-person award event, and it was conducted in Singapore at the historic Singapore Cricket Club .
There is no 3rd Place award recipient in the Poetry Category.
There are no Essay/Blog Category award recipients.
The decision made and results announced by the Panel of Judges at the GOLDEN DOOR GALA DINNER & AWARDS on the 24th of March 2024 in Singapore is final.
Angela M Smith
(New Zealand)
1st Place (Gold), Non-fiction Book Category
Angela writes books on self-esteem and resiliency for 3 – 8-year-olds. Alongside her children’s books, she writes wellness books for adults on self-love and how to best tap into the highest vision and true potential that they have for themselves and their lives.
Azmeh Dawood
1st Place (Gold), Poetry Category
Eldest child of Hussain Dawood, Azmeh has been composing poems since primary school. Former Dramatics President, Kinnaird College, Pakistan, and read Renaissance Drama at the University of Oxford, M.Phil , D.Phil, Civil Monsters. Diagnosed with Progressive MS (2013), she moved from Dubai to Amsterdam, where she lives with her children Sufy & Lehhaan.
Lucy Chen
2nd Place (Silver),
Non-Fiction Book Category,
Lucy is not only a risk management executive, but also a certified Human Potential Coach and Psychological Fitness Specialist who founded Gifted Coaching. She is also an author, speaker, and a founding member of the San Francisco Chapter of Chief, a private network for women executives.
Desmond Awa Tanni
2nd Place (Silver), Poetry Category
Known in his native country Cameroon, Africa, as Mottanni, he is a left-brained introvert who loves to sleep over ideas for them to make sense. He uses poetry as a tool to vent out his pain, frustrations and joys.
Jack Rasmussen
3rd Place (Bronze), Non-fiction Book Category
American Author Jack Rasmussen graduated from the University of Southern California in 2022 as a Warren Bennis, Renaissance, Discovery, and Fulbright Scholar. The Dalai Lama, Carla Hall, and Dharma Mittra endorse his nonfiction books. At 23, Jack has worked with the National Science Foundation, food banks, and international film directors.
David James
Non-Fiction Book Category
David began a spiritual journey with Bihar School of Yoga at 17, later transitioning to investment banking in the Far East. Returning to India in 2005, he deepened his tantric and yogic studies. Now a futurist and brand advisor, he's known as the Un-Monk, advocating "Mind over Matter."
Shital Kakkar Mehra
Non-Fiction Book Category
A leading Executive Presence Coach, Business Etiquette & Cross-Cultural Expert. With 20+ years of experience, Shital has personally trained 45,000+ professionals across Asia, including numerous CEOs from leading multinational / progressive Indian companies. She has a depth of knowledge and a unique way of blending the Indian corporate ethos with global best-in-class practices.
Beng Guat Lim
Non-Fiction Book Category
Since January 2018, Beng Guat started training professionally as I had a career-switch to enter into the Sunset industry (where the Sun never set). She went for intensive training for Elder, Dementia & Palliative Care. As she am not medically trained, I provide home-care service & conduct workshop, introducing non-pharmacological approaches & techniques to help Seniors jolly on in life.
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